Nerds go Ballistic in Bad Nerd from VNL Entertainment

Nerds go Ballistic in Bad Nerd from VNL Entertainment


What happens when good Nerds go bad? You get a game like Bad Nerds from VNL Entertainment. Bad Nerds lets you unleash your nerdy rage against a host of school bullies as you try and retrieve your precious comic books from the fiends.

Bad Nerd takes place in a school and lets you take on loads of quests and bullies as you progress through the game. I only gave it a brief run through, but it looks like you basically walk around beating the hell out of people while completing quests and putting bullies in their place. Starting out it seems like you’re free to roam around as I wandered the halls, walked into bathrooms (and stalls), and generally wreaked a little havoc. Fighting is simple and energy based where you’ll do some moves and have to walk away to let your stamina rebuild; there may be a way to block but I haven’t delved that far into things yet. Whenever you manage to drop a bully you’ll be rewarded with some cash which can be used to buy weapons, armor, gadgets, etc.. I’m pretty curious about the Gadget end of things as you do play a nerd so that could be interesting.


Bad Nerd is an interesting title that’s billed as a “Modern Action RPG” and while I’m still very early in the game it looks to be a good one so far. I have definitely seen some things that can be improved upon, but for the most part it looks like a very interesting game and one I plan on spending more time with. If you’d like to try it out, you can pick up VNL Entertainments Bad Nerd for free on Google Play.

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