Games2Be releases FireCraft for Android

Games2Be releases FireCraft for Android


Games2Be have dropped 4 new Android games this month, and while we’re going to take a look at all of them (because they’re all good) we’re starting with nice little app called FireCraft.

FireCraft is an Android App that lets you get your pyrotechnics on by setting off fireworks. You’ll do this through loading rockets with different charges including the most important one… the thrust. I found this out the hard way when I rushed into things and had my rockets go haywire. Whenever you get things down pat and make a rocket you love, you can save it to use in your own Fireworks show. The shows allows you to earn cash and diamonds if you put on an awesome performance, and you can use your new wealth in the shop to buy bigger rockets, different shells, and all sorts of other cool things. There’s actually a lot going on in FireCraft; we’ve seen a few other fireworks games, but this is the first one we’ve seen with any real gameplay and it’s pretty damned cool


I’ve always been a bit of a firebug and was pretty excited to try out FireCraft. I wasn’t disappointed either as it really lets you build some unique fireworks, and has quite a bit of depth as well. I plan on testing this one out on the new Tablet this week, so expect a full review by week’s end. If you want to give it a run, you can pick up Games2Be’s FireCraft for free on Google Play.

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