Brave the Seas with Storm Captain for Android

Brave the Seas with Storm Captain for Android


The wind and the sea go together like peanut butter & jelly, and a new Android game called Storm Captain lets you use both of those to your advantage. Can you master the sea and use the god of wind to smite your enemies?

Storm Captain is an odd, but fun little game that lets you take on your enemies with cannonballs and wind. The controls (and instructions) make take a minute to figure out on your own so we’re going to break it down for you. You can move your ship up and down in a level by swiping which will take you up or down to the next “set” of waves. As you speed along the water you’ll quickly see ships approaching and you can take them out with raw firepower or by using gusts of wind. You fire your cannons by tapping your target, and you can send a gust of wind their way by swiping towards them. The wind gusts are rechargeable and can be used to “push” enemy ships back or into another ship if you want to try and crash them. The wind is also handy in keeping you safe as you can use it to deflect any arrows coming your way. Groups of Fish give you cash, so you’ll want to take your ship across any you see; the cash is used for upgrades that let you raise the attack, speed, and HP or your ship Storm Captain also has some achievements to unlock although it’s unclear how many there are in the game.


Storm Captain is certainly an interesting game, and quite a bit of fun once you get rolling. I really enjoyed the games style, and the way you can take you ships with cannonballs or wind is definitely different. I only gave it a quick play so I’m not sure how much depth the game has, but it’s a game I definitely recommend checking out. You can pick up Yo!Dawnla’s Storm Captain for free on Google Play.

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