The Sims 4 Realm of Magic Cheats

The Sims 4 Realm of Magic Cheats

The Sims 4 Realm of Magic expansion pack takes your Sims into a magical world of spells and potions. With this expansion, your Sims can learn to cast spells, brew potions, and become powerful spellcasters.

The Sims 4 Realm of Magic Cheats

However, some of the features in the pack can be time-consuming, and some players might want to skip ahead. This is where cheats come in handy.

Spellcaster Cheats

Change your Sim into a Spellcaster: traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult Change your Spellcaster Sim back into a normal Sim: traits.remove_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult

Spellcaster Rank Cheats

Acolyte: stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP 350 Neophyte: stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP 50 Adept: stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP 850

Spellcaster Rank Cheats

Virtuoso: stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP 2350 Master: stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP 1550

Spellcaster Bloodline Cheats

When two Spellcaster Sims have a baby, the child is blessed with a Spellcaster Bloodline, providing them with perks such as increased XP gain. You can use these Cheat Codes to bestow one of three Bloodlines upon your Sim:

Spellcaster Bloodline Cheats

- traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineStrong -traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineWeak -traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineAncient


Knowledge is Magic: bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_1_KnowledgeIsMagic true 49153 [SimID] Charge Control: bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_3_ChargeControl true 49153 [SimID]


Mote Hound: bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_2_MoteHound true 49153 [SimID] Hexproof: bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_4_Hexproof true 49153 [SimID]


Blender Arm: bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_1_BlenderArm true 49153 [SimID] A Little Extra Chemistry:  bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_3_ExtraChemistry true 49153 [SimID]


Frugal Combination: bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_2_FrugalCombinations true 49153 [SimID] Mix Master: bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_4_MixMaster true 49153 [SimID]


Potent Potables:  bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_5_PotentPotables true 49153 [SimID]


Power Shunt: bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_2_PowerShunt true 49153 [SimID] Spectral Reach: bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_3_SpectralReach true 49153 [SimID]


Discharge: bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_1_Discharge true 49153 [SimID] Master Caster: bucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_4_MasterCaster true 49153 [SimID]

Spellcaster Perks

Realm of Magic offers 24 Spellcaster Perks, each providing your Sim with unique benefits like accelerated Skill learning and increased spell success.

Spellcaster Perks

To access them, you'll require your Sim's ID, which can be obtained via this code: sims.get_sim_id_by_name FIRSTNAME LASTNAME

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