How To Solve Hogwarts Legacy Door Puzzles

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Hogwarts Legacy, the upcoming action role-playing game set in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, features a variety of puzzles that players must solve to progress through the game. 

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One type of puzzle that you'll encounter are the symbol door puzzles, which require you to match the symbols on the door with the corresponding symbols on a panel to unlock the door.

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If you're struggling to solve these puzzles, don't worry - we've got you covered. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to solve each of the symbol door puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy.

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Understanding the Door Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

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When faced with a Symbol Door Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy, there are a few things to take note of. First, you'll see numerical equivalents of animal symbols found on a note in a nearby chest. 

Understanding the Door Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

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Next, there are outlines of animals and creatures arranged in a specific order, corresponding to the numbers mentioned earlier. Third, the diagram revealed upon interacting with the door is actually an equation, 

Understanding the Door Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

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with the numbers on the outside adding up to the one in the center. Lastly, there are question marks with the "Roll" action found near the door, corresponding to the ones seen in the diagram.

How to solve the Hogwarts Legacy door puzzles

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Hogwarts Legacy door puzzles require you to match symbols with numerical values and then solve equations to open the doors. Here are the steps to solve these puzzles:

1. Look for the numerical equivalents

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Search for a nearby chest that contains a note showing animal symbols and their equivalent number.

2. Identify the animals

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Look for outlines of animals and odd creatures etched on the door's arch. These correspond to the numbers arranged clockwise from bottom-left to bottom-right.

3. Solve the equation

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Interact with the door to reveal the diagram equation. The symbols/numbers on the outside must add up to the number in the center.

4. Use the symbol rolls

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Look for question marks near the door with the "Roll" action. These correspond to the question marks seen in the diagram. Select the correct animal symbols for the circles to solve the equation and open the door.

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