Minoraxis releases Juice ‘Em Up! for Android

Minoraxis releases Juice ‘Em Up! for Android


If you like Juice and Time Management games, you’ll love Juice ‘Em Up! from Minoraxis. Time Management games are a dime a dozen these days which leaves one to wonder if Juice ‘Em Up is actually as “Juicy” as it sounds…

Juice ‘Em Up! puts you to work running a juice store in a quirky little city, and your job is to become best Juice Master around. You’ll basically “sort” fruits as they roll off an assembly line; each time you move 3 of the same kinds of fruit into a line you’ll get 1 cup of juice squeezed. From there you have to actually pour the juice into a cup and serve it to the customer. If you pour a drink to full or don’t put enough in it your customers won’t be happy which results in you earning less cash. You’ll also have to stock your store and mix a great cup of juice; the standard recipe is 3 fruit, 3 ice, and 1 sugar although I’m sure you can experiment around with it a bit. Upgrades like Fruit Fridges, Ice Makers, and Quick Nozzles are available in the shop; all the upgrades work to speed things up a bit which results in you bringing in more cash in getting promotions.

I gave Juice ‘Em Up! a quick play this morning, and it seems to be a nice mash-up of simulation, time-management, and match-3 games with a little Lemonade Tycoon thrown in for good measure. Sorting the fruits is fairly easy, but it will require you to think and I screwed up more than my fair share of orders at the first location. There’s also a time machine involved somewhere, and mini-games so I’ll be taking a closer look at the game over the weekend as it is an odd, but fun little title. Overall, if you enjoy games like Diner Dash or Lemonade Tycoon you should definitely dig Juice ‘Em Up! If you want to give it a go you can pick up Minoraxis’s Juice ‘Em Up! for free on Google Play.

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